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The Team

Combining our experience and skills to find the investment 'sweet spot'. Covering all key areas in building investments.

Tricio investment team

James, John and Gerry worked together at American Express Bank and Standard Chartered for over a decade providing insight and solutions to internal and external clients around the world.

  • Provided investment advice to over $4bn in assets for private clients with timely insights on all major markets and asset classes delivered through research publications, market notes, seminars and client meetings.

  • This included discretionary fund management services, model asset allocations, advice on: investment funds, model portfolios, structured products, corporate hedging and treasury solutions.

  • We also worked with the biggest structured product providers, market index and ETF designers and providers and UK based fund of funds clients. We launched over $2bn of investment products.

  • We have always worked as ‘buddies’ to help their clients offer a better service to their own clients with actionable insights. We always want to ‘make it easier for them to offer advice and services that helps them acquire, retain and expand their own client relationships’. Now we are working together and can offer this service through our own independent firm! 

The Tricio team 

James Chu, Head of Investment Solutions, Tricio Investment Advisors
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Dr James Chu CFA
Head of Investment Solutions 


After obtaining a PhD in Electronic Engineering, James decided to use his analytical and technical skills in the world of investments. He focused on making things happen, translating insights and strategies to actionable solutions. He has over 20 years’ experience in blue-chip organisations like HSBC and American Express Bank, as well as running his own specialist investment businesses. He also ran multi-asset portfolios, set up investment funds and structured products businesses for UK wealth managers.


Just like Gerry and John, James is also a frequent speaker in conferences and training events. James is a CFA charter holder since 1998 and holds the certificate in ESG Investing from the CFA Insitute. He has been serving in different voluntary working groups and committees in the CFA Society of the UK and TISA.

John Calverley, Chief Economist, Tricio Investment Advisors
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John Calverley

Chief Economist 


John has over 40 years’ experience in international economic research, investment advice and risk analysis. He was Chief Economist and Strategist for American Express Bank and Head of Macroeconomic Research for Standard Chartered. He has sat on asset allocation committees in London, New York and Geneva and advised wealth managers and private clients around the world. John is a contributor to the CFA training program materials on Capital Market Expectations and has run numerous investment training programmes for clients. He is a Fellow and former Chairman of the UK Society of Professional Economists. He is a member of the US National Business Economic Issues Council (NBEIC) and a former council member of the European Money and Finance Forum (SUERF). His books include Investors Guide to Economic Fundamentals, (2002) and Bubbles and How to Survive Them (2004) which warned of the risks of a US housing crash. The second edition, When Bubbles Burst: Surviving the Financial Fallout, was published in 2009.

Gerry Celaya, Chief Strategist, Tricio Investment Advisors
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Gerry Celaya

Chief Strategist


Gerry is an experienced global cross asset strategist. With over 30 years of market experience, he often acts as an “independent brain” in formulating strategies for investment committees at UK based funds, ETF providers, boutique index firms, global macro hedge funds, as well as proprietary trading desks. He can do this because he never restricts himself to looking at just one asset class. As a strategist, Gerry understands the importance of focusing on the long term results in investments, without losing sight of tactical investment opportunities and risk management needs. Gerry has been a keynote speaker at conferences and meetings around the world. He has also trained clients on economic, tactical investing, quantitative and derivative strategies whilst working at American Express Bank, Bank of America, MMS/Standard & Poor’s and Redtower.

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